剛收到消息,大華銀行(UOB)將會更改旗下 ONE Card 的回扣條款
這裡先附上新條款鏈接地址 : UOB ONE Card Terms and Conditions
看了一看,大部分沒有改變,不過裡面看見新增了一項條款 :
" The maximum monthly Cash Rebate payout for the rebate category of petrol is RM900,000 which is to be given out on a first come first serve basis "
這是啥??? 代表銀行每個月只會支付 RM900,000 的汽油回扣給予所有 UOB ONE Card 的持有人,先到先得,條款從今年二月一號開始生效
然後下面還註明 :
" UOBM does not have any obligation to inform any Cardmember should the Cash Rebate payout reach the maximum monthly payout limit "
哈哈哈哈!是啦!銀行沒有義務通知持卡人回扣金額是不是已經被 "花光" 了
可憐呆咯~ T_T